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Automatic washing with tab – Inoxtrend system

Inoxtrend ovens with automatic washing system

Inoxtrend ovens are equipped with an exclusive "point of sale" which is the washing system with tablets: a simple technology, that allows to effectively solve the cleaning problem. Inoxtrend created 2 different washing systems named:

  • XT SIMCLEANER for the ovens series XT SIMPLE and XT SNACK
  • XT MULTI CLEANER for the ovens series XT COMPACT, XT ADVANCE and XT TOP

Both of them use the tab detergent Detabinox and sparkling aid Brillinox, studied and produced by Inoxtrend. The risks of the traditional liquid detergents can be considered a memory of the past.

It’s the cleaning program for Inoxtrend ovens made up of XT SIMCLEANER and XT MULTI CLEANER technologies and of Detabinox and Brillinox tabs. Unlike liquid detergent, which is impractical, the tabs are packed one by one, and inserted in buckets with hermetic seal, can be stocked everywhere and are easy to transport.

Tab detergent Detabinox and sparkling aid Brillinox ← Back